Perkawinan Sorong Serah Aji Kerama
Adat perkawinan pada masyarakat
Lombok Timur dikaitkan dengan upacara adat sorong serah aji kerama. Seorang
pemuda (terune) dapat memperoleh seorang istri berdasarkan adat dengan dua cara
yaitu: pertama dengan soloh (meminang kepada keluarga si gadis); kedua dengan
cara merariq (melarikan si gadis), Setelah salah satu cara sudah dilakukan,
maka keluarga pria akan melakukan tata cara perkawinan sesuai adat Sasak.

Sorong serah berasal dari kata
sorong yang berarti mendorong dan serah yang berarti menyerahkan, jadi sorong
serah merupakan suatu pernyataan persetujuan kedua belah pihak baik dari pihak
perempuan maupun pihak laki-laki dalam prosesi suatu perkawinan antara terune
(jejaka) dan dedare (gadis).
Upacara sorong serah ini merupakan
salah satu rangkaian upacara terpenting pada prosesi perkawinan adat Sasak di
Lombok Timur. Adapun prosesi perkawinan secara lengkap adalah sebagai berikut:
- Mesejati
Mengandung arti bahwa dari pihak laki-laki mengutus beberapa orang tokoh masyarakat setempat atau tokoh adat untuk melaporkan kepada kepala desa atau keliang/kepala dusun untuk mempermaklumkan mengenai perkawinan tersebut tentang jati diri calon pengantin laki-laki dan selanjutnya melaporkan kepada pihak keluarga perempuan.
- Selabar
Mengandung maksud untuk memper maklumkan kepada pihak keluarga calon pengantin perempuan yang ditindaklanjuti dengan pembicaraan adat istiadatnya meliputi aji kerama yang terdiri dari nilai-nilai 33-66-100 dengan dasar penilaian uang kepeng bolong atau kepeng jamaq, bahkan kadang-kadang acara selabar ini dirangkaikan dengan permintaan wali sekaligus.
- Mengambil Wali
Yang dimaksud dengan mengambil wali adalah mengambil wali dari pihak perempuan bisa langsung pada saat selabar atau beberapa hari setelah pelaksanaan selabar dan hal ini tergantung dari kesepakatan dua belah pihak (kapisuka)
- Mengambil Janji
Dalam pelaksanaan mengambil janji ini adalah membicarakan seputar sorong serah dan aji kerama sesuai dengan adat istiadat yang berlaku di dalam desa atau kampung asal calon mempelai perempuan.
- Sorong Serah
Inti dari pelaksanaan sorong serah ini adalah pengumuman resmi acara perkawinan seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan yang disertai dengan penyerahan peralatan mempelai pihak laki-laki atau yang dikenal dengan nama ajen-ajen.
- Nyongkolan
Dalam pelaksanaan nyongkolan keluarga pihak laki-laki disertai oleh kedua mempelai mengunjungi pihak keluarga perempuan yang diiringi oleh kerabat dan handai taulan dengan mempergunakan pakaian adat diiringi gamelan bahkan gendang beleq.
- Balik Lampak
Merupakan salah satu tradisi untuk berkunjung ke rumah orang tua perempuan secara khusus bersama kedua orang tua pihak laki-laki.
Wedding Ceremony List Submit Aji spell
Traditional wedding
in East Lombok communities associated with delivery carts custom ceremony spell
spell. A young man (terune) to obtain a wife by the custom in two ways, namely:
the first with soloh (engagement to the family of the girl); second by merariq
(abducting the girl), Having already done one way, the family man will do
grammar Sasak traditional manner suitable marriage.
East Lombok wedding ceremonies are often associated with traditional wedding ceremony carts deliver the charm spell is one of the existing tradition since ancient times and has stuck with the strong and resilient in the order of life Sasak tribe of East Lombok, even some good among religious leaders and figures indigenous community itself states that, if not carrying out this custom ceremony will be a shame for the family and the local community.
List delivery comes from the word pan, which means to encourage and deliver the means to submit, so sliding submit a statement of both parties, good agreement of the woman and the young man in a wedding procession between terune (youth) and dedare (girls).
Ceremony of delivery of carts is one of the most important ceremony of the network in Sasak traditional wedding procession in East Lombok. As for the wedding procession in detail are as follows:
1. Mesejati
Presuppose that of the young man sent some of his local community or customary leaders to report to the head of the village or keliang / head orchard to announce the marriage of the bride about the identity of men and a further report to the family of women.
2. Selabar
Containing the purpose to inform the family memper candidates to follow up the bride with the customs proceedings include spell spell consisting of 33-66-100 values kepeng money valuation policy or kepeng jamaq vent, but sometimes this selabar events linked to guardian requests at once.
3. Taking Wali
Does it mean to take the saint is taken from the female saints can directly upon selabar or a few days after the execution selabar and this depends on the agreement of two parties (kapisuka)
4. Take Me
In the implementation of this covenant is talking about cart deliver and charm spell according to the rituals that occur in the countryside or the original village bride candidates.

East Lombok wedding ceremonies are often associated with traditional wedding ceremony carts deliver the charm spell is one of the existing tradition since ancient times and has stuck with the strong and resilient in the order of life Sasak tribe of East Lombok, even some good among religious leaders and figures indigenous community itself states that, if not carrying out this custom ceremony will be a shame for the family and the local community.
List delivery comes from the word pan, which means to encourage and deliver the means to submit, so sliding submit a statement of both parties, good agreement of the woman and the young man in a wedding procession between terune (youth) and dedare (girls).
Ceremony of delivery of carts is one of the most important ceremony of the network in Sasak traditional wedding procession in East Lombok. As for the wedding procession in detail are as follows:
1. Mesejati
Presuppose that of the young man sent some of his local community or customary leaders to report to the head of the village or keliang / head orchard to announce the marriage of the bride about the identity of men and a further report to the family of women.
2. Selabar
Containing the purpose to inform the family memper candidates to follow up the bride with the customs proceedings include spell spell consisting of 33-66-100 values kepeng money valuation policy or kepeng jamaq vent, but sometimes this selabar events linked to guardian requests at once.
3. Taking Wali
Does it mean to take the saint is taken from the female saints can directly upon selabar or a few days after the execution selabar and this depends on the agreement of two parties (kapisuka)
4. Take Me
In the implementation of this covenant is talking about cart deliver and charm spell according to the rituals that occur in the countryside or the original village bride candidates.
5. Submission of List
The essence of the performance delivered is sliding events communique marriage a man and a woman who accompanied the bride to the delivery of equipment or the

6. Nyongkolan
In the implementation of family nyongkolan the young man accompanied by the bride's family to visit the women accompanied by relatives and friends Discussion by adopting the customary attire accompanied by gamelan drums even beleq.
7. Back Lampak
Is a tradition to visit the homes of elderly women in particular with parents of the boys.
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